Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

when is the wedding

I conceived a child already, the wedding is long past.

We really are not going to do anything until the ITA session are we


Unless someone brings something up, most likely.

to be honest I’ve been trying but everyone is either ‘no u’ or ‘when’s the ITA’ or ‘hhhh’

I guess that means there will be no shortage of targets

I’m thinking of shooting Eevee.
As now I’m trying to question and discuss but I’m getting nothing back

If someone is modkilled can they still be revived? I have a feeling corrin may be revived somehow.

ITAs begin in 3 hours and 40 mins. Saddle up for war, everyone.


I was marked too

You know theres no way Im making it for the first ITA session. Good thing there is the other one haha

Who was married to Unknown? I’m missing two couples

Htm married Unknown


Remember htm talking about how mafia would never marry another mafia? I wonder…

If we keep assuming literally every marriage has mafia in it that leads nowhere

Sorry just completing a read list for my loved one :smiley:

Yes but he kept going on and on how mafia would never ever marry a mafia


are you actually suggesting you’re reading people this game


I’m actually going to check when that was later

My gut feeling thinks of something but I can’t discern it exactly. Mind putting into words?

He did it to clear suspicion off self/unknown based on who dies