Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!


It doesnt say anything about that in my class card

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0.o Fake love

Cool so hopefully you aren’t 12 or whatever


I look like 8 tbh

my girl not me that’d be weird if I looked 8 irl

Class confirmed lol

not rlly cuz all anime girls look super young

Happy Couples:

Firekitten and Gamerpoke
PoisonedSquid and Captain
Sam17z and Orangeandblack5

Pending Proposals:

Vulgard - eevee, will you marry me?
Margaret - Tw1light, will you marry me?
Blizer - Vulgard, will you marry me?
Unknown - Ashe, will you marry me?
Hippolytus - Memsky, will you marry me?
Solic - Sarun, will you marry me?

you’re Nyx aren’t you

Actually no your saving grace is that you could be another child character

part of the reason I don’t like them tbh as they always seem to sexualise super young looking girls which I find really weird

and why not I guess

/propose @Shurian

I maybe clumsy but I still serve you master!

You are definitely not wrong


I don’t think there are child units yet

You’re wrong

We have one now.
