Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Is this why we need to be more harsh on new people making mistakes like shoot me and don’t shoot me :thinking:

Is next ita today

both seem fine but Meme insists he can prove Hippo for some reason

Should’ve had shot Cassar


I’m honestly not sure what to think about this

Made me change my mind

idk tbh. im fine with either

Note that Cheesy also tried to shot Cassar, that should give him some credits.

Wait, if Joker might have dodge then how about to shoot Hippo and lynch Joker? :thinking

Basically I guess we do actually need to be harsher instead of just allowing them to make mistakes like

“Shoot me”
One post later

Livi, I have

and yall never responded onn whether i should shoot first

trust me I vividly remember Fire and Ice

being harsh didn’t end well there

All votes have been reset due to the chaos from the first ITA Phase. You may re-apply your votes now.

We got 2 scum for 2 town this round of ITAs?

This was a mistake i will never try doing anything again

/vote hippo

oh so votes before the ITA were meaningless in the first place

Yes sir.