Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Honestly @Htm,

I was so happy during that time Orange said YOUR TARGET IS SARUN THIS IS NOT A DRILL


Then I got a warning because I quoted my OWN Dead NOTES

And then Host Lord told I do have a ITA

I asked should I shot Hippo?

You guys told me not because pressure instead

Everyone was missing Joker so fuck that

Then I ask should I shot Cassar because he’s a Nohrian with no intel

Someone told me “that’s a shit logic”

All the Nohrian were out and I never thought about Hoshidan side

Meme was asking to be killed which is so sad begging

So from that I only can think of htm for some reason and no one else and just let it go

Then why didn’t you tell Capt that you think Joker’s scum and you should shoot

Because you are new, even when you are pressured you won’t articulate yourself as well as others anyway, and people only pressure you if you’re not helping town. Right now, you’re doing just fine. Pressuring you would be a waste of time.

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I assumed he would have gone with the same conclusion I did

Objection! He just told you he would shoot meme. You knew this. He wouldn’t of shot joker.


I mean if you know he wanted to shoot Meme then he probably wouldn’t

I feel like you are trying to put the blame on captain tbh.


Also, if everyone is going to point out the anomaly that is Joker surviving 7 shots, can we talk about how Eevee died after only one shot? Vulgard wasn’t boosted was he?

You dont have to worry

Blizer thoughts? I feel like squid just slipped imo.

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I killed sarun, and I had an unboosted shot. Idk if vul was boosted, but he’s out of my crosshairs for today.


I’m more waiting for more events like this


Shit accuracy always the best accuracy


Tell me, what kind of Mafia has a 1 shot night kill?

What would it take for you to stop waiting lol? If Ici announced a bastard mechanic, I swear you’re waiting for him to announce there’s a fool in-game or something XD

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What if there was a mafia class called the

“ITA Malfuctioner” that makes chance of hitting actually the chance of missing and vice versa

@Luxy are you here?

Did Hippo class mention about mafia?

I mean, me and PKR discussed who he was going to shoot, and i was fine with him shooting captain, as i had a gut read that he could flip scum. But, what Squid is saying is definitely sus imo. Why did she not tell captain, someone who had a higher ITA hit rate, to shoot joker, if he is a scum lean for her. It makes no sense, and It looks like she is trying to pin the blame on Captain. In general, i feel like either Squid or Cap is going to flip scum, its basically trying to find out who has a higher chance of flipping scum.

But this quote to me is Damning for squid. If you are town, you will talk with your marriage partner, so that you can coordinate your shots and on who will flip scum most likely. This makes squid look to be the scum out of the two, but im not throwing the possibility of captain being scum and squid being town.

That all I need to know