Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Okay, it doesn’t really matter though, we just need to hope we can rally town again after orange’s death

Mm yeah. If only orange had just shot instead of saying Sarun’s name in bold first.

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Ngl that would of been a way smarter move by his part.

Okay person Ima murder you please stand still


I mean he did say everyone follow my lead but had to take the time to declare he was shooting Sarun and then let Sarun shoot him first

I mean I’m not too concerned about oranges death tbh he got a mafia he did his job we can recover.

It’s just all the really good scum readers are gone tbh.

Also /Vote Boss

Vulgard is still here and I’m hoping I’m at least doing a decent job lol.

no offense

But in all honestly I would love to hear more from @Vulgard

~~(text)~ add another ~

How do I strike text?

A game of the newbies, none of us are exactly veterans at doing this

also Solic got a maf, although I also feel like that was just random chance among the inactives

I mean I think we are doing fine without them so far.

for now, we get Boss up if we can’t ITA him

Tell everyone to vote boss Mr Leader.

Voting boss is not only a vote for to potientally catch a scum, it pressures boss to make a reaction!

vote him or get shot
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@Vulgard scumreads for today?

Sure thing

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@PoisonedSquid So where those reads at

Me want dem reads from u my boi

I gave reads, you just have to find them

@Margaret. Kinda weak but it is the shortened version.

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Of course, some stuff on that list has changed such as Boss leaning further into scumville

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