Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

I wouldn’t know because the previous 2 were when I was asleep

What does it contain?

Reads are 100% confined to my waifu chat

Paralogue 3

Faceless Assault

“Some Faceless are attacking us! Won’t someone please help?”

  • Risk of Death - At least one player will die!
  • Reward Rating - High quality!
  • Number of players - 6 players.

Please reply to this post with a @Icibalus to join this event. First 6 get to join.


Pls do

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does it have flavors? because that’s even better

@Twil1ight I don’t want u to join this


I hope this isn’t too long

I don’t wanna risk your death

It does so what? Are you looking for someone specific?

wait death?


No what Twi, just join, theres a chance YOU won’t die

Who would you ideally want participating in this event?

and no I just like flavor stuff

can I back out of this event

Oh don’t be such wimps. You wouldn’t want to upset the Faceless would you?

  1. Margaret

unless at least one potential scum joins

also it looks like I probably won’t be awake to see the end of it sooo

Not gonna risk my death…
