Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Boss also said that he thought psycho was good. I think psycho was trying to protect himself.

How confident are you in your Joker read?

My read on Joker is based on his dodge rate more than anything else to be honest. Which is why I’m starting to doubt this

I just don’t see Joker not defending himself at all and taking 7 shots without a care in the world.

Maybe he has just given up?

That being said he could be taking shots on purpose; if he’s a scum role with high dodge that’d be very convenient for him, leaving other scum to not be ITA’d

likely but that dodge would be tied to a passive

Other scum like Neirik who was an inactive

I have had a thought on a maf class. What if one the maf classes swapped ita dodge and ita attack chances or what if one raised maf dodge and lowered all town dodge.

Post-flip reads from PKR, although don’t expect him to find much useful from PKR’s readlist as I think he’d RNG/WIFOM where he puts scum

Are those all of pkr’s reads?

Of people who have flipped, yes. press the arrow and it will take you to his post.
Again, don’t expect to find much on it because let’s just say PKR probably has the most scum experience on the whole site

Someone got the flowchart?

Also squid’s reads seems awfully forced with over 50% of them being null.

Is PKR on your maf team? Yes

Problem is we killed him in the event

Brief Announcement: I’ve enjoyed hosting this so far but there have been several poor deciisons leading to imbalance. I will host another game like this in the future but it will be more balance-focused and will NOT be rolemadness.

That is all.


so no bussing for towncred

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True. Her reads are terrible. That being said, they are largely independent, which gives me town vibes.

Yes please! Fire emblem fates 2!

Which is why’s lady and gentlemants you never locking anyone as town if you’re sure beyond any doubt.



Love us pls :frowning:

Best FE Host ever

can I co host