Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Who’s your target

Don’t shoot Boss.

Why not? He deflects every single thing

That can be RNG

Because I’m sentencing him to death.


Deathmarking I assume?

What else?

Who would you shoot now?

Also I need to ask. What is your drawback?

We’re lynching Joker and Boss is being death sentenced, so I’m not sure at this point

I can only shoot once, I have to make my shot matter

You have 15 mins to speak it.

We can’t have a random shot going off tbh


The answer is very obvious Squidy it will help us all

Something 1 Kill something

To ____ something is good

Ur mom lol

Tbh, I might shoot Hippo

are you comboing with Simon

Don’t do it he’s inactive he may be getting replaced anyway.

be helpful please, I’m reading you as town because of how you were in the event

No. He is inactive and even if he flips Mafia that would say shit. What about htm?