Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

It’s all in the name of no flavour solving


maybe as a penalty they shouldn’t have a kid?

But. They also have aching blood.

Well, i was just informed that both parents need to be alive for to use my childs ability, so Solic has his regular 33% ita chance. RIP

Firekitten (Townlean) – Is actively scumhunting and pressuring Marcus who does not seem to be town. His actions with the new player were a little iffy and trying to out Corrin was suspicious, but his explanation satisfied me.
Livicus (Townlean) – Sarun had as scumlean, seems to be scumhunting. He also tried to get me to remove my vote from Hippo because we could just ITA him. Maybe trying to reduce pressure on hippo or just townie not wanting to end the day early. Scumhunting actively D2, doesn’t want to put too much pressure on FK to lead. Should be watched closely as this ‘townread’ is the most likely to flip scum IMO.
Margaret (Townlean) – Lots of shitposting, could be evil trying to slow the town down. Seems slightly town motivated.
Hippolytus (Heavy Scumlean) – All posts have been fluff and added nothing to the conversation. My N1 check on him also revealed that he could kill at night, or at least more effectively. I believe he is the mafia killer. INACTIVE
Tw1light (Slight Townlean) – Defended by Sarun who flipped scum. Seems town motivated kinda? Pretty secretive with Margaret, however, Marg seems town.
Sam17z (Townlean) – Reacted like a townie after orange’s bait. Inactive first day but that could be for a number of reasons. Possible Mafia since orange claimed NK but mafia would want NK’s extra night kills. Inactive
MaximusPrime (Townlean) – A little bit inactive. Main reason for scum lean is Ashe’s apparent want to marry him. He also defended Ashe. Defense seems reasonable as his ability sucks. I can see why he would want to save his child. Concensus is that mafia would want to marry town so helps Max’s case. Wants to ITA Vulgard however? Sarun actively tried to get Maxi mislynched.
PoisonedSquid (Slight Townlean) – Flying under the radar and hasn’t added anything to the chat. Should be ITA’d. Posted his reads after 1st ITA session d2. Reads are very weak (nothing that hasn’t already been said by others) and over half the people listed as ‘null.’ Doesn’t seem to be trying too hard. I told him to nightvig Captain or Joker. Pushed on by Sarun.
Vulgard (Lock Scum) – Admitted to being scum.
Simon (Scumlean (Confirmed Apparently)) – Inactive and didn’t answer my marriage proposal. Should be ITA’d because he is a detriment even if town. Less inactive D2. Posts don’t seem to add much. Apparent death marker.
Insanity (Slight Scumlean) – Has made some reads, decent reasoning. Don’t know what to think yet. Possible scumslips.
Shurian (Townlean) – Made a good read on ConfustoLook and protected him from ITAs. Seems town motivated now. Bluffed abilities.
Blizer (Slight Townlean) – Pushing on Marcus. Analysis is better. Defended Maxi who I believe is town. ‘Do not ITA’ list had some very weird inclusions.
Memesky (Townlean) – Actively trying to get ITA’d to test hippo’s claim. Seems town motivated but could be trying to confirm his scumbuddy.
Gamerpoke (Null) – Firekitten is adamant this guy is good. Can redirect ITAs
Marcus_Doodalee (Heavy Townlean) – Strong analysis of psycho (I had trouble reading him) allowed me to shoot him and flip him as scum. Has obvious town motivation. The chance of psycho being a bus is very low as mafia had likely already lost half their numbers.
CheesyKnives (Heavy Scumlean) – Claimed both ITA Strongman and Invest, Wanted to use our child on Vul who is confirmed scum. Said he checked people when he used our child. Hasn’t really helped and decided to completely disregard his own scumreads. Didn’t provide much help in marriage chat when I asked for who to check.
Solic (Townlean) – Married by Sarun and Sarun said he is good. Makes good reads however and seems town-motivated. Shot Cassar who flipped scum. Actively pushed on Ashe
Luxy - Me

Anything I missed?

I have a reason why I don’t post my reads like that (not sure who started it but I posted my reads when I was scum)
I’m trying to move away from the dump all your reads movement.

But the thing is… I can’t post my reads rn even if I wanted to. Just gimme a moment.

pretty accurate for Day 3

but that part on Blizer is a bit outdated

I dump all my reads each day so if I die, all my thoughts are available to living players.

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Yeah thats why in my first game I remember posting like this

Holy shit town got destroyed 3:
Was me in SFoL13 or something. I think I was scum.

And uhh imma go back to lecture now lecturers looking at me funny

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Blizer (Townlean) – Pushing on Marcus. Analysis is better. Defended Maxi who I believe is town. ‘Do not ITA’ list had some very weird inclusions. Can not use ITAs more effectively. Town motivated, worked out who the scum are with help from FK, Livi and I

Updated Blizer’s.

I’d like to point out that Insanity was married to someone who’s ability was specifically related to the marriage mechanic. It doesn’t make sense for scum to marry scum with such an ability this id why Insanity is actually very close to lock-town for me.

I guess that makes sense and we were to quick say CONFIRMED MAFIA on him tbh.

Oh true, I forgot who was married to the character with the power of tits.

Read lists in such format are very helpful for town but very hard to make as scum and especially on a consistent basis, that’s why I do individual reads as opposed to a large wall of text


Put it this way: if someone’s who makes read lists makes it to Lylo with a couple of townreads that suddenly become scumreads :man_shrugging: