Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!


The difference between you and pug is A) Pug’s card’s flavor was near impossible to fake. B) Pug SAW you get warned for doing it and chose to do it anyway. He knew what he was doing was cheating, this was your first time.

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Confirmed pervert

feck I was so close

that’s literally Sophie’s personal ability in the game
i’m not joking

Also, you know what’s funny?

The main flaw in my town game(Chess) was that I had too much lack of confidence in my analysis that turned out right.

While the main flaw in my scum game(This match) was that I was too overconfident in my play to the point that Orange ended up easily finding me for it.

It’s odd as the reverse is typically normal for people.



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My next game wont be canned. It cant be!

Why no work

I took counter measures such as blacklisting the Canner :eyes:

Game ended! It was canned.

So, yourself🤔


No Firekitten :rage:

Actually @Sam17z

You just got the Names mixed up tbh.

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I remember…

Apparently there are invisible posts



Look at the link thing to know or the time one.

It’s fine?

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