Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Yes it is

Dont lie.

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Dude I literally just linked the post twice check for yourself

Still better then a song I did for april fools.

This. Post. With. This. Video.
Do not watch it unless you want to actually have your eyes bleached.

That was buried in like 17 warning spoilers

I don’t know why any sane human being would ever ignore all of them


curiosity killed the blizer clearly

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It killed Marg and Vulgard too.

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Thanks for warning me, I don’t want my eyes to suffer through even more shit

You know who it didn’t kill? Jakob

and speaking of that Squid can we guess your class

Best remix for april fools from my collection.
Like, rate, subscribe please. :^)

Lol, dumb dropbox is dumb. No music for you.


Nah I’m pretty sure it’s just the forums being dumb
I can use it by going to the link (

Is funny

If you want to hear it not converted via forum to unplayable player, copy the adress from a code or something.

You can if you want

You’re Setsuna aren’t you

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She’s emo and a nerd