Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

yeah, is that wrong?



@eevee get back to moderating blender you noob :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure they are
And no talking about other games in FMs

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Whomst’ve scum faction

Dunno and @Shurian Where are you

We’re gonna get rando paired at this rate

@eevee you have one guess at my character

1/4 chance to get it right

you gonna do it or you wanna give up?

Would you actually claim if they got it right

of course

why wouldn’t i?

i’ve done it before as well

Then can I guess

only if eevee wants to give his guess to you

any hints about what your abilities do?

I’m awake guys!

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/accept proposal from Livicus.
Just know that I’m probably like the shittiest character lol ecks dee

Can I cancel proposal


It too late, your married now :grinning:

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Y u do dis

Oh shucks

and technically you’re Nohrian too