Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

@Cassar @Icibalus

“Sensei, will you marry to me?”

we got anything else planned for the rest of D1?

I see that coward Xander has fled. Updates to marriage proposals and a vote count incoming.


I think I read through the whole thing?
I see lotsa game fluffing(lol talking about the game)
I also see marriage drama
Uhhh jeez thats all I can handle for now

Just awaiting Marlio.

Happy Couples:

Firekitten and Gamerpoke
PoisonedSquid and Captain
Sam17z and Orangeandblack5
Mthejoker and Marcus_Doodalee
Margaret and Twil1ight
PKR and Blizer
Eevee and Wolfy
MaximusPrime and Ashe
Hippolytus and Memesky
Shurian and Livicus

Pending Proposals:

Solic - Sarun, will you marry me?
Insanity - Cassar, will you marry me?

Thats not how I’d describe all of them, but sure whatever.


Title it “Fake Love”

They only value their child not each other

IMO, no lynching really isn’t an option despite that the ITAs can make up for it, so I believe we’ll need to keep on pressing people and if we don’t find a target then we just policy lynch a VI or someone who’s notorious for excessive inactivity.

Tell me about it.

Proposal accepted.

Are you even sure all of them get a child lmao
I mean like
Only certain characters can give birth to a child lmao

All Males and Azura get children

So whoever marries Azura gets double children

And what can we do, it’s Day 1 so unlikely we’ll get any real leads yet

Happy Couples:

Firekitten and Gamerpoke
PoisonedSquid and Captain
Sam17z and Orangeandblack5
Mthejoker and Marcus_Doodalee
Margaret and Twil1ight
PKR and Blizer
Eevee and Wolfy
MaximusPrime and Ashe
Hippolytus and Memesky
Shurian and Livicus
Solic and Sarun

Pending Proposals:

Insanity - Cassar, will you marry me?

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Seems updated

Now its time to read…

It’s mostly spam and what looks like an attempt at a mass-flavor claim. Though there are a few oddities strewn around here and there that may prove useful later tbh.

What are the oddities

FK putting a rogue vote on an inactive and then going radio silence, Poke just wanting to up Unknown because he said that he’s mafia rather than being a PL, and Vul putting out a barebones d1 ISO on Unknown.

Though frankly, inactivity is pretty much NAI until later on, Poke just seems to be another VI that FK brought in as usual, and if I remember correctly ISOing is basically Vul’s bread and butter, albeit it just seemed odd to ISO an inactive.

In short, no overly scummy behavior or slips, but something that I will probably keep an eye on for later. Kitten being silent kind of struck me out the most, honestly.

I didn’t bring them?

Did I?

OMG same best power couple 2k18

we have a child who is another anime girl who looks just like my charachter tbh