Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

So @Icibalus Could u announce all ze winners so people know when they come on?

Go announce yourself irl

Winners of the event:

Question 1: Margaret
Question 2: CheesyKnives
Question 3: Orangeandblack5

Each of them has been granted a prize by the kingdom of Nohr. Never let it be said that we are not a generous kingdom!

Hint: ”The prize was terrible” ~ The Masked Lancer

All three of your ‘prizes’ went to Hoshidans… Stay sharp, brothers. Nohrians aren’t known for their overflowing generosity.

Well, I’m a Nohrian because I’m running off with my waifu but

Cool u still count me as a Hoshido


(Don’t mind me)

Honestly the prize was kinda shit

I don’t think anybody is going to ITA me tomorrow anyways so what does dropping their hit chances against me even do lol

Thats fucking strong

While I’m over here with a trash one

Only if I’m getting shot at

Which is why you needed to say that for no fucking reason.

I would love to have that prize instead tbh

I’m being open about the prize

It’s automatic, and it doesn’t make me immune, it’s just that everybody will have only a 5% chance to kill me

So basically impossible. Gfg

Cant wait for D2

@Marluxion Quick question, will we be able to tell if a true “scum” dies?

As in Mafia

i’ll discuss my theory D2.