Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

You are the ocean’s gray waves, destined to seek
life beyond the shore just out of reach
Yet the waters ever change, flowing like time
The path is yours to climb


Hosted by @Icibalus and @Marluxion.

In the White Light // Rules

  1. All standard forum rules apply, as usual.
  2. Do not communicate about the game outside the game, and don’t angleshoot.
  3. Please be respectful to your fellow players. Keep your salt in until post-game.
  4. Don’t post in big text or otherwise pretend to be a host of this game.
  5. Have fun.

Embrace the dark // Rolelist

This game is closed. No sneaky peeks at the rolelist!
All roles will have some kind of ability, of varying levels of power. However, for the most part expect Forum Mafia levels of power.
The informed minority will be refered to as Mafia and the uninformed majority as Town. There may or may not be third party roles as well.
There are measures in place to make sure this game cannot be broken by a mass claim, including the game being unable to be flavor-broken.
Below is an example of a rolecard. These will flip in full upon death; mafia buddies and other such things will be sent in seperate PMs

Example Rolecard



“Your kindness knows no limits, does it?”

You are Lillith, an astral dragon who was rescued by Corrin and thus are serving as their attendant. However, since you aren’t playable, who else could you be but the Trancendentalist.

As you are not playable, you cannot be rolled by any player in the game, however your role-card is shown in the original post pre-game.

You win when all threats to the Town have been eliminated.

Into the ground // Mechanics

For 1 hour, during certain periods of the day, in-thread attacks can be fired.
These are public shots that have a 15% chance of hitting by default however roles can change this.
Events will be hosted throughout the game, like in FoLCFM. You can get prizes for participating in them, so make sure you keep track of events throughout the game.
There are additional special mechanics that will be explained once the game has begun.

The path is yours to climb // Signups

This game is the largest one ever run on this site; A whopping 34 players will be required for this to run properly! Nag all your friends into /in’ing this, I promise you all that it’ll be worth it.

  1. htm - Killed Night 2 - Oboro, Town Nohr Hater
  2. Firekitten
  3. Livicus
  4. Mthejoker
  5. Magaret
  6. Hippolytus
  7. Tw1light
  8. Sam17z
  9. Pug - Modkilled Night 1 - Corriin, Town Peacebringer
  10. MaximusPrime
  11. PoisonedSquid
  12. Vulgard
  13. Simon
  14. orangeandblack5 - ITAd Day 2 - Kagero, Town Nohr Cop
  15. Insanity
  16. Shurian
  17. Wolfy - Killed Night 1 - Arthur, Town Misfortunate Mysterious Paragon of J U S T I C E!
  18. Boss110 - Killed Night 2 - Takumi, Town 50% ITA Shooter
  19. Eevee - ITAd Day 2 - Effie, Town EXTREME ITA Trainer
  20. Blizer
  21. Ashe - Lynched Day 1 - Hinoka, Mafia ITA Master
  22. Memesky
  23. Captain - ITAd Day 2 - Azama, Town 1-shot Self-Watcher
  24. Sarun - ITAd Day 2 - Niles, Mafia Ability Thief
  25. Cassar - ITAd Day 2 - Charlotte, Mafia Manipulative Marrier
  26. ConfustoLook - Killed Night 2 - Felicia, Town Nohrian Maid
  27. Gamerpoke
  28. Marcus_Doodalee
  29. Unknown - Killed Night 1 - Keaton, Town Odd Warrior
  30. Psychonerik - ITAd Day 2 - Sakura, Mafia Cycle Occupier
  31. CheesyKnives
  32. PokemonKidRyan
  33. Solic
  34. Luxy

Hear My Cry // Events

Day 1 begins.
Countries Revealed
Love is in the Air
Ashe dies and is revealed as Hinoka, Mafia ITA Master, and Night 1 begins.
Unknown dies and is revealed as Keaton, Town Odd Warrior, Wolfy dies and is revealed as Arthur, Town Misfortunate Mysterious Paragon of J U S T I C E!, Day 2 begins


The game will only start on the 26th, so please only /in if you can be avaliable then. Also, all pre-inned players must confirm their slots.

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/confirm pre in

/join event of the summer right here


Quote me when this goes wrong kthxbye

also /join ynot

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/confirm pre-sign

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/confirm i dont have many friends to nag but ill try find some

was nagged, want to /join


DW I can ping for you

Do you have any friends to nag hippo 2?


@Hippolytous @anon29036956 @Hippolytus join me so it looks like i have friends and am not ashamed


I feel you

Looks to be a budding chaotic mess as SFoL 28… I’m in.


want to play in this so plz join

Join or ping! (I am kinda scared to ping so the person I pinged doesn’t ITA me)

ici already promised me he would give me a class immune to ITA so dont bother itaing me


Yeah me too…

Me three

Now that I think about it didn’t he promise us all?