Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

So who should I shoot before I die?

If Boss shoots me, you know what to do

HIT :^)


jk luxy still has their shot


If you wanna shoot someone and they flip town, you best have a good reason because people are reading you as scum more than me currently.

You’ll have to pull a Vulgard to get away w/ it.

this is not becoming a thing


Why you kill eevee?1??1?1?1one1!1

All the reasons are in the shot I made

I misjudged, but at least we don’t have to worry about him being scum

He would not be lynched until very late game

Top 10 polandball betrayals ofc


*jumping off the basement

Woah, already ITA phase time?

So we’re lynching boss, ITAing captain and nightvig joker.

I will shoot captain if none of you have any suggestions

Also, does anyone else think squids readlist is INCREDIBLY vague?? There’s a thousand null reads on that thing, its almost as if they don’t wanna box themselves in at this point.

I want to shoot Boss or Squid, more so squid because Boss claims to have boosted me yes im biasing there

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I thought it was ITA Boss, lynch Cap??

We need squid alive to nightvig joker.

You don’t think scum are going to stop/redirect it if she’s telling the truth??

I’m happy to take that chance and lynch squid tomorrow. (If joker doesn’t die )

/shoot captain
So uh good luck town and all hoshido

You have to wait to the ITA phase to do it.

It is the ITA phase

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