Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

Quick someone join my harem.

Not directly connected with game but you guys are using words like VI… Is there a link when i can see all of them means ?


I’m the same gender as you

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i’m not into bestiality


Don’t be rude to such a fine specimen like that.
It’s not fucking, it’s loving.
You need to properly care for your wife, feed her pokepuffs and pamper her fur.

@eevee Even though you say that Vulgard is Polish and might be better in that retrospect, we might have the better abilities combined together. Not only that, out of the two players, who is more consistant between us in terms of determining who is a mislynch and who isn’t.

I have been right almost all the times players have been mislynched based on their reactions and they happened to be town, aside from the Cult game cuz I was somewhat trying to mislych players, but other than that, my skills have been getting better and is more consistant

Yes actually!

Actualy pokemon bearing kids to PokemonKid seems gross.


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I found it now.It was added in first thread in forum games.

Eevee :frowning: Don’t break my heart like that…
Our child would be perfect. It wouldn’t be me directly
I’m a ditto, I’m anything you could want and dream of.
Shapeshifts into male eevee :wink:

How fast did this conversation get off track


uhhhh… When the Harem started.

In the end of your day it’s your choice. Both me and Vul are somewhat strong players, but there have been times where we have both been wrong in terms of naming scum teams and what have you, but there have been more times where I have been right about certain players being mislynches as town if you check those games up.


Been trying to send a link but the forums (and only the forums) stopped loading


Oh shit wait don’t go Vulgard lol

PKR/Wolfy easily outrank

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I’m semi tempted to turn all of them down just to confess love to someone like htm.

It would be better love story than twilight.


I will fight for eevee god damn it!!
I have a sword to protect, I’m a huge pokemon fan, I know how to treat my wife perfectly too.
Also, Wolf is conveniently missing me off as a suitor.

Our pokemon moves will be perfect tonight.
Uses attract