Fire Emblem Fates FM - In The White Light - Town Wins!

I said he’d be replaced at EoD today

Probably not but Hippo being afk kinda slowing the action.

It’s been 6 days just replace him.

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Inb4 Ici WotM makes the game bastard with conversion

How about I don’t?

What if mafia was town all along?

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Ici’s refusal probably indicates Hippo is mafia to keep up with game balance. He is not going to be pressured into modkilling him lol, so we should just ITA him.

What if all the town flips were actually mafia flips and all the mafia flips were actually town flips?

you prob shouldn’t talk about what the mod purpose is when he is standing right there

For my taste, things like that shouldn’t be a thing in a first place regardless if you like it or not. But that’s just me.

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First warning for angleshooting. If I slip something, DO NOT se it as an arugment in-thread

The ultimate bastard game.

Oww I apologise, I did not know this was not allowed. I will not have it happen again.

You run a cowards game. If my country controlled this game, I’d have modkilled all of them.


Who here has the majority of votes? That’s what I thought.

Nohr > Hoshido

When your own ruler doesn’t want to follow up with their own rules

Quick question. Is Vulgard getting shot or lynched today?

We are firing at them as soon as ITA starts I expect it as soon as possible