Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled


Lets not get too close to talking about le event

Uhhh how is everyones day going

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I mean

itā€™s been sort of plodding along

Got extended family over, so thatā€™s always a chance for me to lock myself in a room and ignore them

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That was a fun event


You better not get too specific

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It was an event

Maaan it feels

You think thereā€™s an event vig or something?

We donā€™t discuss events until its confirmed completed by eevee

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Yes. This ability is held by the mods. Also known as MODKILL

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So then what about event 1 where we talked endlessly about it? Or is it only for closed events?

Wait, signups were redone for the event 4?
Manā€¦ Donā€™t do this to me :frowning:
Missing 2 events due to work

But I have to discuss about my fire emblem heroes +6 Lukas 5* from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

You were late anyways

I went to toilet and just happened to pick my phone before I went in
And then they say the event is starting >_>

Guess Iā€™ll just stick with 5x 1* heroes then T-T

How do you know if you have any orbs tho

Or summoning stones

Once you complete an event, it tells you

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You get told by eevee/ici/bot.
They update you every time you gain some

Holy what itā€™s been 80 minutes since the event started it definitely felt like 30.

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