Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Also I’m eyeing you Celesty Margarine

Me watchu.

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I only got to join event 4 tbf

Even 1 wouldn’t function for me



Darn lemme lend you this 2.9 m I just go…t…
Nah rip you

Totally not trying to use your bad situation here
Hey eevee/ici can I take Blue’s spot to try and earn orbs for them?

for event 1?


/vote Aa-dono

Yes. Osu

I agree he’s scum let’s eat him tomorrow tho :wink:

My gut has never been wrong when it pinged me that hard

you can still do event 1

I did do event 1

That was after 2 hours. Not counted. But my final score was rushed in 30 mins.
First time playing didnt help. I stated my score a long time before (Just do math 2.9m/6)

Hold on aa-dono…?

you gonna finish that question?

new guyman

PKR let’s talk

Do you think livicus is a neutral

are you still trying to gut me

Hasn’t read, dunno if I can give him the benefit of the doubt but
Either lack of time with studies or work…
Wait I was studying today, actually friggin studying. I had my time to read everything (maybe skimming only, some in detail that I probably already forgot about because I need to retain the study info more than this)

no I’m trying to catch a wolf

So you think he is a wolf?