Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

No losing orbs


In prior events it was possible.

Other scum?

Like other people

what do you think about them

I would like to compliment Eevee for putting so much efforts in their events though. Really did not expect this level of complexity.

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This is big true

Night peeps.

Eh? I donā€™t think there was a mention you can lose Orbs unless i missed somethinā€™.

Hereā€™s my list from last night nothing has changed except PKR moved back into this group.

Ngl it wouldnā€™t surprise me if he got off-site help

Thatā€™s basically how my FWF Supernatural Class was made

okay I see

Do you have any heroes at 2* or higher?

Oh those, the ones with scumreads are Squid/you/Maxi/Insanity/Marl/Scattered/Dono.

Scum doesnā€™t need to know if I have a PR or not.

By scum youā€™re including neuts in there too?

  1. Youā€™re scum.
  2. Even if you werenā€™t this thread has people besides you.

Ah right twi

I meant to ask you this

if you are a surv, do you have any twists in your wincon?

gee thanks
youā€™re quite stubborn

I dunno if itā€™s time zones or not but Iā€™m kind of concerned that some people have made no effort to participate in events

Almost as if they havenā€™t felt a need to for one reason or another