Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

But not all townreads are town

*looks at myself

Yes, probably.

Besides the ā€œsurviveā€ part no, unless there is a hidden part iā€™m not aware of. /shrug

Hmmmmm ok

What neutral doesnā€™t claim earlier than that?
Your claim pretty clearly was you realizing that was your only way out as FK questioned you.

Well if someone asks for the truth you give it

Iā€™m a bit iffy on Livi. On one hand the neutral claim feels true and something Eevee would put in the game, but on the other hand he announced it so late and it feels like something combined scum could have come up with.

This is exactly what Iā€™m feeling

However we NEED him dead

It has a similar ring to the fakeclaim I made in Anniversary

Iā€™m not a fan personally

Or maybe he is neutral, but is dishonest about his wincon.

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If youā€™re real neutral, you claim when the big wagon forms on you.
You claimed when FK said ā€œthereā€™s zero way you are Town however I just have a feeling you arenā€™t scum so Iā€™m assuming you are neutralā€. This is clearly taking the only possible option for safety.

Iā€™m not getting this read. It doesnā€™t seem like something Livicus would conjure.

Either way we win here

Heā€™s dying today

There are probably several scum marked out now though

I donā€™t know, why not. Itā€™s not that difficult to make up. But yeah, he will flip anyway.

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is this who you are scumreading,


Normally, I would say to let the neut live butā€¦

Iā€™m also lowkey rooting for them not to waste the lynch and instead have him killed with one of the Killing Power summon focus heroes

But Iā€™m just going to stay neutral

And in Anniversary, to which Blue refers, everyone was NK, and half of people clamed neut with fake wincon.
In any case, itā€™s just a possibility.

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Because youā€™re mafia :eyes: