Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

I didn’t say my hero so


Do you like reaction tests? I quoted this for a reason.

No don’t say who I visited

who would have poisoned him then

Seriously. What are you two talking about?

don’t be an idiot

Livi’s alignment.

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I must have been onto something I’ll look back. Or it’s free kill power. Or they’re scared of my scumhunting abilities as seen in Triangle Marathon

whats wrong about saying that you visited someone?

This is scum

Don’t say who


luxy you literally did nothing

I don’t know who

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I would be wasting my efforts explaining it

“firekitten left there room last night”

Livi claimed neutral evil to me in dead chat and they were quite convincing.

Why don’t you want me healed.

2 town already died tonight smh

ok ill stop being a idiot


You didn’t do ANYTHING

why would scum posion you and not kill you