Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

im not even joking i will cry

nah im jk

i am losing the co owner of my group

you wouldnā€™t understand my feelings right now reeee!

Can you elaborate why you think Firekitten is town maybe by showing some posts? Itā€™s freaky you posted this right when I wanted to ask you actually.

Iā€™m like pretty certain they are scum

Itā€™s in my heart

Also they literally havenā€™t done anything when I asked them to

Iā€™m going to do so but the question is simple, am I same alignment as Livicus or not?
Why would I want to draw so much attention to mafia otherwise?
The fact Solic is also sheeping FK should be ringing alarm bells.

Do we know that there isnā€™t a scum that can revive someone once and convert them?
Yes, this is a big tinfoil and all but FK isnā€™t even thinking logically, neither is solic.
Solic isnā€™t even questioning it, theyā€™re just like ā€œFK is right, Iā€™mma just sheepā€
Also, we have had a scum converter in a different game before
Theyā€™re refusing to consider scum!Livicus when itā€™s all that makes sense.

Also itā€™s hard to do stuff when you are poisoned and you know you have to do a lot more effort


pkr can you answer my question

he is my brother in hear tho


Didnā€™t I just answer 2 scumreads in one post?

No that was only one and that wasnā€™t even directed at me

Iā€™m really sus of everyone at this point

same tbh

Celeste can you agree to being on luxy?

@Solic Come here real quick

While itā€™s not directed, Iā€™m sure you can read it.
Also, perhaps heā€™s sheeping you because youā€™re scum mates.
Idk whatā€™s going on with you but Solicā€™s behaviour is just outright wrong and surely you see that too.
Something is up.

You need to not be so paranoid about being poisoned. Town will heal you if they can and if you act good.
But if youā€™re pushy for the sake of being pushy nobody will trust it

Not yet

Iā€™m not making promises

ima be on luxy too