Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled


My read on you started on null-scum then went to townlean because of the main point against you no longer making any logical sense due to CitJR pre-roll having you as town

itā€™s true though

If you are going to quote my posts at least read whatā€™s inside them

Because I canā€™t read AtE posts that call me an imbecile

Thatā€™s all I get from DID YOU READ THE THREAD???

Stop using words you donā€™t know the meaning to

Thatā€™s not what appeal to emotion means

Because you quoted my posts

Then ask for the answer which was in my quoted post

Yes Iā€™m annoyed

Hey Squid, if it stays like that you will get 5 free stones.

Guys, thereā€™s an event signup, do you want to join or not?

I know thatā€™s tempting as hell, but Iā€™m still hoping for someone to join

I feel like me and Geyde are miscommunication and not understanding what each other means

Geyde you quoted my post
Asked for an answer that was in my quotes

I canā€™t go on computer

No computer required


^ Boop

The question mark there eixsts.

It might be unconvenient to be on mobile, but it is possible.

Also Iā€™m in school and about to be out of lunch

Because it makes sense as an answer for the question being asked



hey Geyde letā€™s start this conversation over and forgot anything happened ten posts ago

Wait, /Out. I donā€™t have 60 mins