Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

He claimed cop, maid, poisoner and then doctor

explain you fake claiming

why did you fake claim

Literally said five times already
Gambits. you know the one that outted livicus

The maid isnā€™t a real all I have is an arso type hero a poisoner type hero and a doctor type hero and then a couple of level ones

why do you have a arso type and a poisoner type?

cause I got them from the focus?

why would you get killing power?

literally this and because we could use Killing power to get rid of scum leans

Iā€™m surprised there arenā€™t ten posioned people

I didnā€™t summon from killing power at all


because I didnā€™t think I needed it

Stupid read:Isaac as scum would never NOT summon from killing therefore heā€™s Town

so I summoned from the awakening one

Keep hoping. I wonā€™t be there.
I think itā€™s fine to stop messing around with FK now.

I can confirm the Arso one.

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should I summon from killing power now?

wait envermind yo ucanā€™t do that anymore

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They are actually really nice

Good for you. I canā€™t summon anyone.

Tinfoil: Scum!Kitten poisoned me then tried to claim the cop check on me to make sure I died then he could claim I was framed when I died the next day.

I wonder what that event was about, 8 people :thinking: hmm