Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled


Lame excuses but k

itā€™s a true excuse

This is exactly how I feel and I canā€™t even express it

Would be a shame if people didnā€™t Scum hunt and their heroes who they worked very hard for disappeared

Minna, miteite kure!

This is a very weird postā€¦
Are you saying that youā€™d vote someone just for being active but not actively scumhunting?
I think if they acted townie then they should be kept alive but kept an eye on


I said would be a shame if people didnā€™t scum hunt and then their hero disappeared

Yet that makes no senseā€¦ Explain what you mean by that FK :expressionless:

itā€™s me saying that it would be a shame if people who didnā€™t scum hunt, had their heros on their rolecard vanish.

Basically no one is trying to do anything right now but me and I have to force everyone to do something


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Maybe itā€™s because the motivation for scumhunting isnā€™t there anymore or people are too busy doing other things. To be honest, I feel the same way feeling all tired, working on another FM, and focusing on Smash Bros


this is what bothers me here is the fact that some people have to be FORCED to do something.

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Then thereā€™s the excuse of not knowing what a certain person would do which is BS, thatā€™s the entire point of mafia to figure it out and you donā€™t need to rely on meta to make an educated guess on what a wolf would or wouldnā€™t do.

Like livicus literally took almost zero effort to out as well which clearly shows they donā€™t care about this game enough to even pay attention

Litten, itā€™s finals week for me, Iā€™m not always going to be on this, I can devote some time, but otherwise not much

and my tone throughout games is of passivity and hinting, by calling your vote on me a D0 faction check, I implied that you having one on me was impossible

Thatā€™s not how English works

Thatā€™s not how any of this works

I have 3 assignments due. 1 on Monday, 1 on Friday and another the following Monday iirc.
These are huge essays so Iā€™m struggling to hunt.
I want to be active and enjoy this game still so thatā€™s why Iā€™m doing less hunting but still trying to be active.
If I manage to see something scummy I will pick up on it.
But Livicusā€™ post is genuine from my own knowledge. The final bit was weird af again but shrug

You said D1 not D0 as well, you clearly didnā€™t imply it

Did you read their scumslip or what

Yes, I did.
It was very very unusual but Iā€™m just not certain on motivations for that.
I know that Ici hates jester like roles (Like Orange too) but Eevee on the other handā€¦
I could see one being put in to a game like this as a disruption type role and thatā€™s what concerns me

We are not playing the what if they are jester game.