Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Gave one to isaac, think imma just hold on to the second one tbh

The posts are almost interchangeable. :smile:

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If you toss multiple to Isaac it has increased effect

Can you stop listening to Marl. Heā€™s scum.

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Yeah marl is scum here

marl isnā€™t Town leader

Post #2543 was overly trying
Post #3398 was just pointless and didnā€™t pay attention to Livicusā€™ flip
Post #3745 was long after weā€™d discussed the fact scum have a doctor probably and Geyde just slips in saying he cannot heal. Makes no sense.
Post #4025 was LAMIST af.

Yeah but they are wrong Solic
Iā€™m not fucking mafia, Iā€™m town

If you canā€™t feel my genuine frustration with you, Iā€™m done trying to prove anything to you

I can feel the genuine frustration of caught mafia. :eyes:

Is that wolfy tho



Which one of the 4?
I can explain all 4.

So where was your prior push on Geyde, PKR? :thinking:

All of them arenā€™t wolf indicative

I donā€™t know how many times Iā€™ve said it but I have 2 assessments due in just over half a week

So want me to pass the bomb to you so you can see who to bomb?

I got pkr tonight

I regret clearing him

Now, thatā€™s a huge mistake right there and let me explain why

Someone gave me a bomb!

So 3 bombs active

Oh boy

Bomb Insanity or so.