Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

I have 3

Basically I can have the focus be exactly what I want

There are still so many bombs left before EoD? :thinking:

exact hero

I’m confused does this service work for everyone?

Geyde. S t o p

I assumed so

cool uh do that tomorrow

I’m so gonna get last second bombed for saying that.

Why am I like this

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If you talked one more time about it, you wouldve been dayvigged by me so that didnt happen

Don’t worry I have no idea if this works but it KINDA sounds like it


Don’t ask what it does thx

Think about what you say, please.
Let’s NOT ever bring up that hero again?

Did Eevee just stop doing announcements? It should be EoD in one hour and 10 minutes right?

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Are you now dooming me? :confused: I have already died once. :roll_eyes:

it will change soon DW just need it to be on there for now ping me to remind me to change it

@eevee One hour to EoD right

Do you still have an hero shop?

Firekitten :wink:

If so do you have Sharena

that’s not how it works
