Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Where in the world did he say this?

You know me from elsewhere too PKR, but you never said anything about it

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I’ll quote it once I finish work

I swear he said something along the lines of “I respect PKR too much to think that he’s ever doing this as town” near EoD.

He said this

And this

And this

This was his scum theory

Firekitten said something like that. I can’t find it right now, but I had one post in reply to Firekitten, where he saw a world where PKR is town over Marl more. I sent a NK to kill PKR in a different game (Enemy Within 2), where we were both town, because I was also scumreading him, so I was more hesitant to pursue the read here.

I was actually scumreading Firekitten slightly for switching so much on PKR. If PKR would flip scum today, I would go after Firekitten, but he has now flipped town, so I’m just going to bed now and see tomorrow.

Haven’t caught up yet lots of posts but why would you wait until tomorrow to do something? Can you not ask now? Why delay hunting?

Because I sat at a computer straight for hours and I’m tired. Last message. I barely read the new posts.

FKs reads on me fluctuated a lot during EoD.
I think that’s what caused you the uncertainty @NinjaPenguin but you never once mentioned how it changed and it made me so paranoid for you to be scum

screeches internally


Do I need to say what Squid had

Please do anyway

Won’t be online much from today because of vacation trip

Someone stole my Felicia (lol 1*) and now Imma die but eh

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  • 2 1 star uselesses
  • 2 orbs

It’d be amazing if you could take the stuff from the dead people and redistribute.
I’d be happy enough with only getting the orbs


Yeah just give scum 5 stars

You calling me scum or…?
You should have the option to redistribute something or not if you level it up enough.
Would be a very fun ability