Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

The force question I still wanna know as it’s odd not to bait reactions first but it’s not as odd as I thought.

So you’re saying since i’m survivor i cannot defend myself and let people policy lynch me regardless if the reasons are illogical, wrong, incorrect etc? Personally, i wouldn’t out Margaret if she wasn’t keep shadethrowing me for actually no reason. :man_shrugging:

Scum trying to policy lynch Neutral claim is essensially declaring a war and i’m not planning to die because somebody who had no Town motivation the entire game decided: “Hey guys. Let’s ignore every scumlean and lynch Neutral. It’s totally not info lynch that isn’t giving any info.”


Thanks for admitting that you would protect scum and literally anti-town

Uhuh, Margaret i’m NEUTRAL. I’m not allied with anybody neither nobody is my enemy as long as nobody isn’t seeking my demise just for lulz. Don’t try to push this fallacy. It won’t work. In what world are you living i wonder.

But, once you said you would side with scum, you just confirmed yourself as a lynch target


To the contrary. I am asking why you are doing what you’re doing now. I am starting from you telling the truth and examining your claim in detail.

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I don’t remember i ever said i promised to side with Town neither nobody asked for it don’t try make me guilty for nothing.

Simple. Scum tries to policy lynch me and i now i’m going against them as i don’t tend to ally with somebody that want to kill me.

Bear with me here. What exactly as close as you can without quoting is your win condition Twilight?

Let me understand. You want from me to quote my wincondition without actually quoting it, am i right?


For example a serial killer is Kill everyone and be alive at the end of the game

Survivor is a very broad thing and has multiple meanings

Take from ToL scorned survive to see X or Y

They are still a survivor

“You win when you survive until the end of the game.” That’s what my class card is saying.

Random another question: Do you believe Margaret to be the last scum of any color throughout the entire game?

I am assuming no? But am I correct in that thought?

According to mechanical information i have, Margaret is allied with Emblan Kingdom.

Unless the Host made turbo townsided game with 4 scum against 16 Town WITH Survivor, i personally don’t think she is the last one as it seems Emblan rolecards look like the same as Town cards beside Color and Win condition.

Okay now here’s where I have an issue with your play here and why I really want to believe your claim but am struggling to do so:

Let’s assume we are in a world in which the guilty is true and Margaret is lynched and does flip Emblem Kingdom.

Then that night the red (I think red fuck color issues) has a vested interest in killing or poisoning you as you guiltied Margaret. The Yellow team (assuming it still exists) also has a vested interest in killing you.

We also have a lot of unidentified poisons. If I assume your claim is true and what you say is your wincon is true I am having a hard time seeing how you win the game.

However if you are indeed a Yellow twin thing like Margaret suggested and Margaret is red scum that does make sense. Did you claim survivor before or after Livicus died?

And what hero did you use to get this information so anyone can be a cop?

She couldnt use a hero

I had 3 damn watchers on me

And I had self watch for both d1 and d2

Okay. Let’s assume that is the case. If it is indeed impossible, making Twilight fake her reasons and her motivations helps point to other scum if any she has.

It might also be scum framed her or a redirection or mod only knows what. This isn’t a black and white it’s sort the gray and find the truth which will then be revealed to be town scum or other.

I claimed at start of the game it was literally my first post, before Livicus died:

Cecilia 5 Star, i started with 1 Star despire the odds i manage to get 5 Star.

HMMM so you could watch over yourself AND visit somebody else, interesting…and you had it since Day 1…
Also funfact: I never said i have to visit to get results.

All heroes have to visit

Ive asked before