Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

What do you think livicus?

I still think heā€™s less scummy than someome like Marl though


Marl posted two videos then left not even trying

Max attempted to look like he was trying to do something without doing anything

Marlā€™s ISO was basically fluff + vote me + suggesting we just mess around and shtpost the rest of the day as Iā€™m locked as D1 lynch when thereā€™s still plenty more that could be done

which marks him as the opportunistic scum

/vote Marl

Thatā€™s the point, one of his posts is off on the biggest scale

This one

Doesnā€™t have the feel of a scumhunter whoā€™s ready to move onto the next kill

Solic developing reads is fine let him do that it lets us read his alignment better and itā€™s not like Livi is gonna magically get away.
Livi why does scum jump on a town that slips up when the town can do it for them? That kinda behavior from PKR reads more as TMI scum than town if you miraculously flip town.

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Whereā€™s the other 10 people who signed up to this game

Lurking or not here

What do you two think of Marl and Shuri though?

Shurian talked? Let me check them

Why are you suprised?

Youā€™re not wrong about this part. I always wonder why town spare me when I could be scum. Scum would keep me alive, but other town are weird.

Yeah about thatā€¦ I am more used to D1 and D2 townlynch, so you defending yourself (especially with the way youā€™re saying it) doesnā€™t bother me at all. From your death, we will get information. Regardless of your alignment.

Oh goodie. Goodie goodie gumdrops. We got ourselves another goodie goodie two shoes.
Listen pal, this ainā€™t the first time someoneā€™s tried to convince me and this wonā€™t be the last either.
But Iā€™ll let you know that I wonā€™t change my ways.
*pats Lightsin*
There there, you did your job. Now go back to other ā€œnormalā€ people and try to not get killed by scum or lynched by town, alright?

Mmā€¦ Almost. I donā€™t like early reads, but whoever dies doesnā€™t really matter. As long as they arenā€™t inactives, the ones whoā€™ll get lynched should be someone whoā€™s had a conversation before. Those people are either attacked or defended by someone else. Those are the bases of actual reads.

ā€¦lesson from that game: Always kill the ones closest to you. Regardless of alignment.

Look, a normal Mafia would do that. But you do realize you canā€™t expect everyone to behave ā€œnormalā€, right?
Basically, thereā€™s something called meta-reads. In my case, it could be either used to attack me, or defend me.
(If I am unlucky and FK is scum again though, then I expect him to attack me. If he defends me while being scum, then I can only applaud him from the deadchat.)


ā€¦ah, damnit. You got me. You found a contradiction. I dislike contradictions.
ā€¦well, I have no excuse for that, so I guess my excuse isā€¦ because I was in a bad mood?
Sure, letā€™s go for that. Now my mood is bad as well, but aimed at Solic.

Yep. My home alignment.

Im having a personal dilemma

Iā€™m Town reading livicus however I think they legit slipped

what is this madness

I didnā€™t say you wouldnā€™t but itā€™s not as helpful as a scumlynch because scum are out to get me too

pkr I have a question

When you said livicus seemed genuine did you mean they felt Town?

Other than the lurkers, they are the engine that carries the lynch throughout the day


I would still like you to comment on Zone.