Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Claiming Neutral as scum is like Investment. You may manage to convince the Town you’re not harmful you may manage win the game however every time when you actually roll that type of class it may complicate maaany things in future.

It isn’t like totally somebody mentioned Survivor claim all the sudden in conversation. :thinking:

Btw I still have 0 orbs and I didn’t get anything from event 1, because I somehow didn’t realise it had a time limit.

See I would play fm right now that we finished the event

However no we want to play a game

what was the event about?

It was a game of You Don’t Know Jack: Full Stream

I don’t know what that is

Is it like BS?

okay come on where did everyone go

We are having fun for no stones

Why are the events all Jackbox…? (Except #1)
Are we playing Jackbox Party Pack?

I thought the event was over

It is

However we are having fun doing it again for no reward

ah okay

@livicus even if you are mafia want to play spilt the room?

Alright. That was fun.
…and painful. Mainly painful.

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I know nothing.

The event was a trivia quiz btw.

Ye. It’s part of a jackbox game and it’s also popular as a trivia game.

Ok, so if eevee streams something at and it doesn’t work for you, try unchecking “Low latency” setting, stream immediately started to work for me after that.


and sure, but if Blue and PKR don’t want to do it

They seem like they want to