Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

What heros do you have


Why didn’t you claim neutral earlier?

Why would I claim Neutral D1?

It gets the spotlight on you

Except that spotlight was already ON you

Also I didn’t want to be in the situation of sacrifice

Livicus if you are a neutral do note I feel terrible for you and my gut was right however my brain says this is the right play

And I have a 3* Robin, 1* Hector, 1* Gordin, and 1* Lucina


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You can have more than 2 heroes? Woah

I piled my orbs into awakening



Were you allowed to pick the scum focused?

You don’t have more than 2 heroes?

I did say I had 0 orbs so don’t worry about it

No I wasn’t


Get on my level f2p user


What does Robin do?
I got him to a 1* and it does nothing atm.
Trying to work out if they’re worth investing in the future. (I know Robin is a male and female so yay for confusing Eevee)

PKR, how many heroes did you start with?