Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

I just remembered I only cleared marl thinking he had a flavor vig

He’s not fully Town in my mind again

How is someone having a flavour vig a townie trait?

He was going to kill max and squid I thought

wait wtf


You were too late.

Poor Marl.



It looks like people can have whichever hero anyway, if the selections are shuffled each time

Join with eevee bot it’s you only chance

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@eevee is both partner’s participation mandatory?

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@eevee /join with PoisonedSquid

it is

it says nowhere the pairs have to be consentual :thinking:
plus there’s a participation bonus

So therefore if squid doesn’t say anything against it, @eevee /Join PoisonedSquid

btw how dare you

i had checked the forums literally 3 minutes previous to that message

I actually checked, it said 43 minutes ago.

@Scattered_mind are you around

forum says you were seen 8 minutes ago

Marl I feel so bad D:

Btw 3 people random not in the event are going to die glhf