Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Only Isaac and PKR visited FK last night
So I confirm their statements

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Well, me and Isaac confirm each others results at least

I was talking to eevee in my classcard

ok then lol

You can imagine a neutral evil is not so cooperative. I did what I could. Since itā€™s two parts, maybe everything I said already encompasses those two passives.

No what Iā€™m saying is that your scumtell that game was bad consistency on gambits why is this not a repetition?

This gambit would have worked if 3 OBSERVERS DIDNT SEE ME

My waifus, why ;-;

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Literally all the observers happen to be on me


Also, is it only me who is super annoyed at female festival pt 1?
I swear I have 3 or 4 of those heroes :expressionless:

I donā€™t see how the gambit wouldā€™ve worked though, claiming iā€™m scum when im not like what

Well you were basically leading town D1


then why the heck were the observers on me

stop fluffposting and make some posts

More importantly

The ones who only have Bird

cuz we are the cool kids (not noobs)

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To make sure you didnā€™t die

Or at least we catch the killer

deep cat paranoia?


They donā€™t even see who visits me

Welp, later, since I need to go to school.