Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

can I donate heros @eevee

Yet does this confirm that Nifl isnā€™t scum? I donā€™t see that. NEs are allied with scum, as Iā€™m sure someone else said earlier. Or perhaps Twi is lost wolf - Allied with them but doesnā€™t know who the others are.

This means nothingā€¦ Literally nothing

Livicus was allied with something with a m

Not without hero wich can allow you to do soā€¦ if such exists.


Letā€™s not jynx that cuz that might get op as fk

I like how luxy stopped talking knowing they have zero hope getting healed

Itā€™s interesting you immediately go for the jugular in accusing me of being ressed converted scum just because I made a vote on you. Itā€™s a blatant overreaction. I literally talked with Livi in dead chat, so I have considered all I need to and I already made a comment on it that I think itā€™s about 80/20 % chance. With Twiā€™s revelation that is now like 95/5% on Livi being NE.

So tell me whatā€™s up PKR, donā€™t just keep it vague. Tell me what is up.

Imagine scum having that hero and stockpiling all the heroes into one person and then redistributing all 5 stars

Lets NEVER talk about that again, kay?


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No unusual part unless thereā€™s something hidden according to Twiā€¦
Suggesting that for some reason they think something is potentially hidden

This is not a post that Iā€™d expect anyone to make. Itā€™s just inherently scummy.

Solic claimed to be lost wolf? Then why is anyone here saying solic is town? Why is solic not being voted?
Itā€™s all wrong. Simply wrong and weird

honestly wishing I didnā€™t spend all my orbs on Killing abilties as now I have an arso and a posion

Why arenā€™t you voting solic if you think heā€™s a lost wolf

Why are you trusting a survivor

FK, I think you just messed up again

Also solic do you think you got revived by scum who thought you were a lost wolf


Posion and arso

An arso hero

And a posion hero

LOLLL PKR. So am I converted town scum or am I lost wolf? Make up your story mate. I already addressed this in a post to Twilight.

FK. You literally make me just more sus of you