Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Worth it to me m8

I’m the damn RNGoddess

I’ll get at least 3 5 stars



get away from me image

Okay senpai

so this is why you play peach

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No, the RNG character is Mr. Game and Watch

I play Game N Watch too :wink:

peach is too noob

Oh shit, okay, that’s why she’s the RNGoddess

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I just dont like how Game N Watch plays but I get high numbers most of the time

5 hammers at 10 power per game but its also 8 player smash

Event 2

Computer access Required
Time estimated 30 minutes (?)
Summon stones Min. 1 / Max. 5
Max. players 8

Do /join to join.

  1. GamerPoke
  2. PKR
  3. Solic
  4. Isaac
  5. Margaret
  6. PoisonedSquid
  7. Firekitten
  8. NinjaPenguin

im gonna make snake







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2 more plebs allowed