Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

No other shoppers? Guess I gotta give Marl a 5 star Ike

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Now come on, if that isnt motivation to buy, what is?!

What can I buy? :open_mouth:

Any hero you want

Gimme five star Felicia please ;-;

I want my waifus .-.

Can you see the description of revive ability? Does the revived person have to be town in order for it to work?

No, I cant see ability descriptions


Felicia will be in delivery

I wunt Olivia

What zu you mean by this

I would to buy your entire shop.

If i change the rules to this,

  1. You must commit to enslavement (Not actually anything, just not lynch me)
  2. You can choose any (1) Hero to buy from a shop
  3. You can buy the same hero as many times as you wish
  4. You must also say “I love you eevee” once a day
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I can only add 1 hero per customer

Sure. Let me bribe the Host.

Olivia will be in delivery

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Thanks. I love you eevee

When I say delivery by the way, it’s just me saying you have to wait for tommorow to get le hero


I’ll take a Yasuo

I dont think that hero exists but I’ll see if it works
Might want to give me another hero that might actually exist