Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

The fact that you keep repeating that about a townread is sus

I think itā€™s moreso so people can trust quoted things and as well I think itā€™s because you canā€™t quote your class card

isnā€™t ninja dead tho

He should get a warning cause he isnt used to it, not modkill

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thank god

Okay can people actually vote insanity

His reaction was awful

Are you tryna make me sheep?

wasnā€™t voting insanity before a joke

Gamer I actually find this scummy

Why are you scummy right now?

Heā€™s actually scummy now

Ugh welp that sucks see yā€™all in graveyard. D:

I like how ninja brought the vote on him and still somehow made it seem somewhat legit

he might have known it was a false quote before

Why do you find it scummy you cat?

rap battle?

You arenā€™t dead trust in green things even though it probably doesnā€™t work like that.

Plus it will probably just be a warning tbh

What did you find scummy?

I sucked at that

Because your tone

he called you a cat and not a a kitten

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