Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Bad idea it is

You’ll see what it is at start of day tmrw

Nah im joking

Its a good idea


But… It’s completely random out of all heroes :expressionless:
Surely we won’t hit Robin

Summoner’s choice m8

i thought we can choose?

also i already summoned trying to get robin but got wrys :frowning:

Oh. Then I’d choose Robin lul

I wouldnt tbh

you have robin level 5. ofc you wouldn’t

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I kinda want to see one of my 4 stars reach 5 star so I’m going to go for that

you have 4 stars too?

dang and im over here with 6 1 stars and 1 2 star

Wait that’s actually really good I want my poisoner to be level five

what does level 4 do that level 2 doesn’t?

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I’m on 3-4x 1 star and 1x 2 star

Level three does fake poison
Level four I think two poisons

I have two 5 stars, and one 4 star

i hate my heros

i need to setup a donation

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Fire… You need to stop.
These reactions are just… Uhh. Wrong