Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Yeah and I actually did ISO through that. Nothing that makes me think of you as town.


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I KNEW YOU ARE A GOOD GUY! :partying_face:

Give them to me!

Shut up show-off or I’ll give mine to you when you’re not online.

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Does this post count allow us to kill you to stop spamlitten?
As I’m tired of that guy


your misconcieved notion that my reaction to your push which had no substance was bad?

You mean the guy who got the game going or?

Like stop complaining of my post count when it gets stuff done

Got the game going =/= Posted 1/4 of all posts

wow no response to my comment about you being a spammer

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dont like my post pkr i didn’t mean it as a bad thing

i was just trying to ruffle his jimmies

yank his chain

pester his parakeets

Still do more then you did

I’d rather think of it as spot on. :eyes:

Add a douche to his pants?


Than is used for comparison

Then is used for time

I’m active and just waiting to see what happens.
The silent swan strikes in the shadows.

so it literally is my reaction to your push which had literally no substance

you know what happens when you try to cook without any milk solic

you get dry ass pancakes

So you aren’t doing anything to progress the game

no right to complain about my post count