Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

that’s weirdddd

that was rude sorry should have never said that

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That’s okay, that was barely offensive.

Vote Marl though. :thinking:

it was still offensive so its not okay

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/vote marl

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I appreciate that.

Marl who did you pass the bomb to?

Apparently you earn the heroes at explosion, so I received nothing from Insanity. :roll_eyes:

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29 minutes till bomb 2 explodes.

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Firekitten do you learn anything about Insanity’s association post flip? I’m still not seeing how you find PKR more towny than Luxy to be honest.

I am not sure either

Of this time my gut has been closed in cement luxy is scum

And I have no clue why it feels like pkr is town

don’t trust my gut if I die fo a bomb trust my gut on luxy tho

Insanity was visibly trying to flip it on Luxy though, whereas with Marl he was just posturing and I don’t see why you suddenly swapped your read on PKR. Can you explain that?

Luxy was already dead though

I said I have no idea

Don’t trust my gut

Reread what I said…? Luxy is alive.


Okay actually

Now that I think about it pkr is probably scum

Hold on a second

Just rereading the thread when not on school makes me think pkr is scum

I shouldn’t do this when in school

Actually no

I have more respect for pkr for him to flip Town here

He’s not that stupid