Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

I’m more excited about the events than the game. This is very confusing.

hums song

This is now my fav song

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Okay… So apparently none of the 522 posts in this thread had pinged me. Not even the one where @NinjaPenguin voted me. …sigh. It will take me hours to catch up.

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It takes you hours to read 522 posts? :thinking:

Yes. That’s how slow I am. Especially when I am playing two mafia games. Especially when I have missed at least one event, and want to grief over it. Especially when I want to analyze others’ posts.

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Wolfy post

What’s the event

Yeah, this is pretty LAMIST as well. I expect something in less than “hours”. :eyes:

I don’t think I’m at liberty to discuss that. I just did the all day long event.

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How do we join that

Read Marl, Read!

Also I’m not saying or you might beat my score. :eyes:

/vote Zone_Q11

Let’s see if this quickens your pace. :wink:


Crunch Crunch.

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Why ping Ninjapenguin in that post

Also why take note of specifically Ninjapenguins vote if it didn’t ping you at all

He might not know that “adding” someone sends a notification to the person?

If you guys want me dead, then I don’t really mind.
I am a pessimist to begin with anyways.

/vote Zone_Q11

Also can we please God get a better osu track

Why do that if you know you are town

I love the track