Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled


You said and I paraphrase ā€œyou donā€™t care what we do with itā€ then when I disregarded it and destroyed it then you continued to push Margaret scum. So obviously you did care ergo that is a lie.

Can you link me to one such game as town and scum? :thinking:

This is false, Blue had Tharja. I still have zero abilities.

Citizen life, best life

Why donā€™t you vote Twi and convince us then if you feel so inclined to do so? :thinking:

What do you mean with having a sword?

Now thatā€™s a change of tune. :smile:

Are you town Margaret?

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This is a big post and I feel like I still have zero clue on where you stand.


What are your passives and special abilities as survivor? Did you steal heroes from Livi and I?

You should be forthcoming if you aim to survive. :eyes:


Thoughts on Twil1ight?

Due to serious integrity breach game is canceled.

Iā€™m really sorry that I wasnā€™t able to instantly decide this and instead had this game in limbo till official decision was made.

Butā€¦ Believe me, itā€™s hard for me to can a game wich I spent several months developing.

As of what happened to have such major integrity breachā€¦ One player has self-watched on night he died andā€¦ Posted the results on dead chat for other game.

We as fast as poasible got moderator to kick people who were there and alive in FeH game, so we block as much integrity leaks as possible, but even then 3 alive players knew what happened and would have to be force replaced out.

The problem starts at the point where 20 people including spectators and players of the other game were spoiled, so couldnā€™t be replacements and honestly, if 20 people know about certain information, everyone will know.

Hence the game will have to be cancelled.

Thatā€™s also why game was in limbo state for such long. Cause it was hardest decision for me to make.

Once again Iā€™m sorry, but that type of integrity breach isnā€™t something wich lies in mine force to prevent.



Rerun it? :confused:

But honestly with 2 replacements and another 3 people working on ā€œI hope we kicked you fast enoughā€ā€¦

That wouldnā€™t be fair game.

No, I mean reroll the game and play again?

Let me make a guess at the scumteam first please.

so you can all tell me how wrong I was

then the previous scum would know the abilities of the mafia classes

that wouldnā€™t work in a closed setup

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Shurian, emblam
Margaret, town
Lightsin, town
NinjaPenguin, town
PokemonKidRyan, emblam
Zone_Q11, town
Twil1ght, NK
Isaac, town
Solic, town
Math, town
Astand, town


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All scumteam is wrong :ā€™)


Lol, Blue, never res me again. :wink: