Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

You could have just shot confirmed scum Livicus d1 too. :roll_eyes:

@eevee what were the osu rankings?

Feels bad for Liv though

Scum slipped in the first hour of the game


also my ā€œI need a place to put my forkā€ invention cannot be beaten


I actually got that screenie like 30 minutes after the deadline. My counted score was like 900k, but I got no orbs, cause I was technically dead upon retrieval.

the fuck happened here?

so long gay bowser

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insert bowsette

I would have died because Scum tried to save Margaret. I mean sure, it could backfire but it isnā€™t like I tried get something from them.

When I did insult anybody? Excuse you but I remember there was only one person in ā€insultedā€ which Iā€™m fully aware off. Margaret was Evil mind you.

btw why was this cancelled?

geyde goofed and outed margaret as scum in the wrong dead chat


on accident

I think this needs another host.


No you would have died today, because you were a claimed survivor that had an incredibly poor reaction test on someone that was pushing you with no progression up to it. Town would have lynched you here over Margaret too.

My reaction test was illegal and hence shortlived, but it wouldnā€™t have been poor if I could have executed it. I guess it would be poor on you, because you didnā€™t immediately out it as I thought town would do.

Inb4 Eevee adds surtr for the next one

And Hel breaks loose all over the place.

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Solicā€¦I wasnā€™t planning to blow up my cover in first dayā€¦

You wouldnā€™t blow your cover as much, youā€™d just be a townsiding survivorā€¦

At the EoD, both yā€™all fucked up lul

I give Solic Lee way, as he didnā€™t know that much about Flavor for FE Heroes, but still

That backfired so badly

it reminds me of Sam and Orangeā€™s lover chat from fire emblem fates

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in which orange was holding sam hostage by fake claiming mafia

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