Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

And also I’m not completely sure on that, but survivors could be a real thing (provided that Ici and Eevee tried more for claim space rather than their interests)

*N0 faction checks

Yes or no

Do you think they are

How do we even increase levels of our heroes?

this is like my genius moment


but I’m willing to let them live and see what happens

To get any abilities in the first place.

Probably from the events

I was under impression that events give just stones.

Quoting relevant stuff.

Orbs = stones?

@livicus why would you let them live if you didn’t believe their survivor claim

So just getting duplicates? I though it was a fringe scenario to get them evolved and not a primary one.

I’m trying to be very careful upon phrasing here

See the thing is

I don’t really believe twilight survivor claim

However I think livicus doesn’t care about the survivor due to them being a wolf and wanting to suck up to them. If livicus was Town they would be questioning this survivor claim

@BlueStorm vote livicus

Litten, the whole point in letting them live is seeing who sucks up to them, not people who toss them off to the side

if we have a surv, we might as well use her

You just said you DON’T believe them

Yeah but we’re trying to see who thinks Twi is a surv

as well I call BS as I think I’m the only one who has ever used that reasoning on someone being scum

I don’t think once that has ever been brought up before