Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

We’re already have our lunch set in stone
Last I checked we can’t Lynch twice per day, so giving my reads will mostly be negative for me

If I’m close to on point I can get night killed
If I’m super far off I can draw a night kill for wifom

And im nowhere near confident enough to put any weight behind any other accusation yet

So it’s pointless

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Then why not prepare for future lynches rather than sitting around all day?

…I really don’t understand this part.

…the more you talk, the more I like you.

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Because drawing out interactions more naturally through shitposting and normal discussion is more fun and effective than forcing associations that the mafia can abuse and manipulate?

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I disagree about the shitposting, but aside from that I agree with you.

Reminder of the general shape of Marl’s accusations:

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Alignment indicative shitposting is my religion

Though to be fair not as of recent, he’s been hitting the spot

How dare you

I wanted to find the image you used in… I’d like to say Kids with Guns? Where you said a similar thing about yourself

Couldn’t be bothered to search for it

I see. Then I suppose I will have to accept that.

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@PoisonedSquid @maximusprime what do you think of your flavors

I’d like to know why that’s a reply to me, were you planning on responding to me about something?

I can only call my own reads bad to fly under the radar mkay

Remember that I was scum that game :^)

I’m well aware

I did a lame job of co-hosting it

Dear God I hope there’s some element of guaranteed success unlike in Gacha games

Otherwise we could all be stuck with differing level 1 heroes we can’t level up


Yep. I was about to add the gif above Marl’s post. I thought he was okay with it. Apparently not.

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This here is how I feel… Again.

And 21 player mountainous just sounds like hell