Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Which I won’t…
So 3 orbs to try and hit 1/4 hero…
Lady luck be with me

It’s posting beep boop on vote count error so ehhh… will do hand crafted vote count somewhere soon.



Wait. We trade 4 orbs for 1 one star hero, right?

Marth and Robin, third one is a cleric from Echoes according to the wiki

I think you trade 1 orb for a 1/4 chance of hitting a hero. Keeps being RNGd

I think it’s one orb per hero
Idk if they are guaranteed to be one star though

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1 orb for 1 random hero out of four wich are in the focus.


Are they guaranteed to be one star heroes or are they random?

K, can i just take my 1 participation point and start up the RNGsus engine? xD

1 star heroes always.

The point is to somehow manage to get same hero again and evolve them.

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I don’t think we get them till the event ends at eod

Oh. That is nice. …how do I see how many Summoning Orbs I have?

Everyone starts with 0 and gets updated about every change wich happens with theirs orbs.

I’m gonna try and do this then.
Probably gonna fail but time to RNG

Okay. Time to do that Osu. Again.
…sigh. orz

I hit a 2/4 chance bois!!!

bro don’t ping me when i’m fucking asleep


Not my fault you are asleep tbh

Least you had time to sleep tbh