Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

What’s bothering me is what I don’t know what post you’re referring to. I expected an answer, not a goddamn riddle

But from what I’m thinking, I’m guess it’s the post where I flavor claimed or said that there’s a small chance of there being a claim vig. The reason I said that is because everyone starts out with 1 Star Heroes which do nothing, and the abilities gained through getting the same hero seems to be unknown

No not that

You said that posted bothered me (the livicus post) what bothered you in that livicus post

Excusing inactivity which benefits scum.

Whiteknighting a survivor claim to get them on your side prematurely.

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Is the hunt going to be after “that person” 's lynch or now?

We are basically warming up the hunt but we are probably going to end up lynching livicus anyway

So I’m not allowed to be honest? I must admit I have little motivation for FMs at this point as my interests have shifted from experiences. I want to just leave FMs, but I can’t leave due to the new rule of replacing out being a blacklistable offense

What bothered you here

I want it only after Livicus is lynched. Hunting now is wasting bullets only. (Unless we have ITA or unless the event can kill/lynch Players.)

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Yeah. Me too. It is annoying, but it is still true. After all, how else would I have won as scum in the past? Right @NinjaPenguin?

@eevee /join




…? What’s everyone doing?

Idk, I follow

Queuing for the event

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I’m waiting for the event to be posted =3

The “Hey my mind might slip, so don’t call me scum if I do scummy shit” talk. We have the right to think of him as scum if he does scummy shit and using “mental slipups” as a defense, then he wouldn’t make the actual effort to explain why his actions are justified

Even though eevee didn’t post the start?

Watch it only be 4 players :wink: